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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Ecclesiastical History of the English People

Ða wæs on þa tīd Æþelbeorht cyning hāten on Centrīce, and mihtig: hē hæfde rice oð gemǽru Humbre strēames, sē tōscādeþ sūðfolc Angelþēode and norðfolc. Þonne is on ēasteweardre Cent micel ēaland, Tenet, þæt is siex hund hīda micel æfter Angelcynnes eahte. …On þyssum ēalande cōm ūp sē Godes þeowAugustinus and his gefēran; wæs hē fēowertiga sum. Nāmon hīe ēac swelce him wealhstodas of Franclande mid, swā him Sanctus Gregorius bebēad. And þā sende to Æþelbeorhte ǽrendwrecan and onbēad þæt hē of Rōme cōme and þæt betste ǽrende lǽdde; and sē þe him hīersum bēon wolde, būton twēon hē gehēt ēcne gefēan on heofonum and tōweard rīce būton ende mit þone soþan God and þone lifigendan.



Then (there) was in that time a king named Ethelberht in Kent, and (a) mighty (one): he had dominion up to (the) confines of the Humber river, which separates the south folk of the English and the north folk. Now there is in eastward Kent a large island, Thanet, that is six hundred hides large after the reckoning of the English. … On this island came up the servant of God, Augustine, and his companions; he was one of forty. Took they likewise with them interpreters from Frank-land, as them Saint Gregory bade. And then (Augustine) sent to Ethelberht a messenger and announced that he from Rome had come and the best message brought (led); and he who (if any) would be obedient to him, without doubt he promised eternal happiness in heaven and a future kingdom without end with the true God and the living (God).


Seminar 7 (4 ч.) Etymological Layers of the English Vocabulary


1. OE vocabulary. Native words. Foreign elements in the OE vocabulary. Latin influence on the English vocabulary (traditional three layers).

2. The Celtic substratum. The Celts and their languages. Celtic ethnic tradition in early Britain. The British Celts under the Roman Empire.

3. The Scandinavian substratum. The Viking age: the Scandinavian invasions of England. The settlement of the Danes in England. The amalgamation of the two peoples. Effect of the Scandinavian invasions.

4. The French substratum. The Norman conquest. Effect of the Norman Conquest on the linguistic situation in Britain.

5. The formation of the National Literary English Language.

Recommended readings:

Rastorguyeva T.A. A History of English, 1983. – Р. 131-147, 151-154, 301-306, 313-326.

Shaposhnikova I.V. A History of the English Language, 1997. – Р. 63-78, 113-130.

Other references:

Baugh A.C., Th. Cable. A History of the English Language, 1997. – PP. 72-101; 105-122.

Text 1: read the Old English translation of Bede’s ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY.

1) identify the word structure of the OE verbs;

2) define their grammatical categories in the text.

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Переглядів: 1430

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