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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

Відкрите звернення Міністру освіти й науки України - Гриневич Лілії Михайлівні

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Gather information

Learning Objectives

At the end of this class, you will be able to:

· Gather information

· Setup AutoCAD® P&ID

· Setup AutoCAD® Plant 3D

· Installation in a network environment

· Manage Data

· Make use of Advanced Features

· Consider 3rd party solutions

About the Speaker

Selling, Supporting, Training, Developing and Using Autodesk based Plant products since AutoCAD® Release 10 (incl. 3D piping). Writing training manuals in German and English.

Table of Content

Learning Objectives. 1

About the Speaker 1

Gather information. 4

Setup AutoCAD® P&ID.. 5

Step 1: Analyze and compute the info from your checklist 5

Step 2: Create classes, properties and selection lists. 5

Assets (Symbols and Lines) 5

Project & Drawing Properties. 8

Creating Selection Lists. 9

Step 3: Define acquisition rules. 11

Step 4: Create template drawings (DWT) 14

Step 5: Create Tags and Annotations. 16

Creating Tags. 16

Creating Annotations & Labels. 20

Step 6: Create Symbols & Lines. 24

Creating Lines. 24

Creating Symbols. 26

Setup AutoCAD® Plant 3D.. 34

Step 1: Analyze and compute the info from your checklist 34

Step 2: Create properties, acquisition rules and selection lists. 34

Properties. 34

Acquisition Rules. 35

Step 3: Create template drawings (DWT) 35

Step 4: Create Tags and Annotations. 36

Tags. 36

Annotations. 36

Step 5: Create Catalogs & Specs. 37

Step 6: Setup AutoCAD® Isometrics. 38

Step 7: Layer & Color Settings. 43

Step 8: Piping Connection Settings. 46

Step 9: P&ID Object Mapping. 47

Create a folder structure. 51

File Name Format 53

Installation in a network environment 55

Tool Palettes. 55

3D Content 56

Manage Data. 59

SQLite vs. SQL Server 59

Setting up Reports with AutoCAD® Plant Report Creator 60

Export and Import settings. 63

Using views in Data Manager 66

Make use of Advanced Features. 69

Create a second Tag. 69

Linking external Data sources. 70

Scripting in Report Creator 72

Consider 3rd party solutions. 75


Gather information

Before you get started configuring anything in AutoCAD® P&ID or AutoCAD® Plant 3D you need to gather all the information you can get your hands on.

Typically you gather P&IDs from former projects, lists and reports you created so far. How do your Section and View drawings as well as Isos look like? Sometimes there may be a company standard (e.g. tagging system, prototype drawings with layers, text styles and so on).

All that info flows into a document or check list so you don’t get lost when you start to configure.

Setup AutoCAD® P&ID

Since there are a lot of dependencies between the various sections of the configuration there is a recommended way on how to go through the steps of the configuration.

Читайте також:

  1. A. Read the additional texts with interesting facts about Canada and discuss this information with your partner.
  2. Before you read the text below say how conference participants can use computers for preliminary information exchange.
  3. C. Answer questions to the text. Make up a dialogue on the basis of this information.
  4. C. Continue the following sentences using the information from the text.
  6. Choose the correct form of the words in capital letters to fill in the text and you will find out more information about types of legal professions in Russia.
  7. Company information.
  8. Consider the information given in Units 1—6 and accomplish the tasks given below. Check them with the keys.
  9. Consider the information in Units 1—5 and accomplish the tasks given below. Check them with the keys.
  10. Crew Information Requirements Analysis
  11. D. Complete each sentence using the information in brackets.
  12. D. Put these sentences in the order in which they happened, taking your information from the text “As You Sow You Shall Mow”.

Переглядів: 453

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Многогранники і тіла обертання | Step 1: Analyze and compute the info from your checklist

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