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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Wide Horizons of Higher Education

Higher education closely concerns economic issues facing Kazakhstan. It was higher education that was transformed during the period of reforms. Higher education was set with the aim - to create all conditions to meet the economic needs in and, social requirements for, highly qualified specialists of the world class global given educational needs of an individual. In order to achieve it, envisaged to introduce and continue to develop compulsory standards for higher and post-graduate education, vocational education, to improve the state classifier of specialities, improve educational programs, expand international cooperation in training students, improve the qualification of teachers and conduct joint scientific research as well as introducing new information training technologies, developing distant learning opportunities, improving a mechanism for providing the youth with state educational grants and credits for getting higher education and carrying out the integration of academic and branch science with higher education step by step.

At the present, there are following kinds of higher education institutions: University, academy, Institute and other organizations (Conservatory, the highest school and higher college). The following structure of higher education is established.

· Higher basic education (Bachelor degree) with a four-year training term and the awarding of qualification and an academic degree “bachelor”

· Higher scientific and pedagogic education with the awarding of qualification and academic degree “master's degree”

· Higher specialized education with the awarding of qualification “a specialist with higher vocational training”

The 2001 was a landmark year for Kazakhstan's higher education system. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a decree on July 5, 2001 bestowing a special status on state universities that will enable them to become large national education centres soon.

Innovative was a model of forming the enrollment of universities on the basis of complex testing that enabled the given process to become open for the population. The core of a new model lies in having a single organ independent from universities to receive entrance exams from all students and conducting a competitive selection of applicants for state grants and credits for each specialty nationwide as a whole. Enrollment in universities is implemented in three stages. The first stage is to conduct exams by an independent body named the Republican centre for state educational standards and testing in the form of complex testing of school subjects. Entrants who have successfully passed tests are given state certificates. Then the contest committee of the Ministry of Education awards state educational grants to their owners or provides the right to receive of state educational credits. At last, university enrollment committees enroll the holders of state educational grants and credits as they apply.

In the past the enrolment on the basis of these rules was applied to state universities only but since 2001 uniform requirements for entrants applying on the terms of fees, grants and credits in all state and private universities and have been introduced.

The procedures for state accreditation of universities are a new means of executing control and collective checks of quality and integrity of higher education. On June 11, 2001 the Law “On Changes and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Educational Issues” was signed. According to the edict, the procedure for state accreditation of higher institutions was introduced. The issues of accrediting, universities must be considered jointly and openly. With this purpose a consulting body - the Council for accreditation educational organisations was set up. The Council is chaired Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its are the representatives of the Ministry, other state educational bodies and deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The procedures for evaluating higher education can be carried out by the following structures: the state, the government, the Ministry, independent organizations, a group of universities or trade Unions, associations, and at last, a university itself.

Alongside a state educational sector of education in the there is a private education sector which was a revolutionary step. At present time the higher education system is made up of 47 State and 117 private educational institutions. Competition between universities of different ownership has noticeably intensified, as a result, students have a real chance to choose and educational institutions are feeling they really need to work systematically to win over entrants.

One of general results of all reforms in Kazakhstan's school can be that it turned into a profitable venture, a segment of the market, business that brings money. This was encouraged by the recent privatization of universities.

The turnover of higher education accounts for hundred millions of dollars annually. The money only capital investment in education but also the funds comprising the budget of higher schools cashflows related higher education market. The flows are spontaneous and unaccountable and hence out of control.

The basic financial flows a fee for training (in Kazakhstan an average fee is at least USD 500 per year) as well as the funds from the budget for state higher school sponsorship for private ones.

Irregular cashflows are donations of religious organisations, grants of foreign funds, off - educational commercial activities: courses and training programmes, the printing of text-books on request, the leasing of spaces of the higher school infrastructure, and also individual tutoring.

In 2001 there were 25,265 state educational grants and credits issued.

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