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Writing a CV (or a resume)

A resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a detailed record of personal accomplishments. It presents briefly what the person has achieved in education, job experience, special honors, publications, and includes professional activities (such as conferences attended), personal information, and perhaps even outstanding achievements in the person’s area of special interests or hobbies. A CV may be short – no more than two pages, but preferably one (then it is often called a resume). It may be long – up to 20 pages and even more – and then it is always called a CV. A CV begins with personal details (name, date of birth, marital status, and contact information). Sometimes after that career objectives are written and time of availability is noted (i.e., when the applicant can start the new job). Next, the person may describe his/her education and work (or professional experience.). In this section everything is usually written in reverse chronological order: the last educational institution you attended or the last place you were employed are indicated first, while your first educational institution or your first place of employment are listed last. The information about education should include degrees held, honors received, and qualifications gained. Employment information should describe responsibilities and make clear what professional skills you have, including specific responsibilities. The employment information may be followed by information on other skills, such as computer skills or fluency in a foreign language. The next item is information about your interests and hobbies. It gives your perspective employers some idea of your intellectual scope and physical fitness (if you included sport interests).

At the end, references are usually cited.

An example of CV can be seen lower.



RESUME Personal Details: Name:Kamil Ashugara Date of birth:April 1, 1980 Citizenship (Nationality):Bacardia Marital status:Married, one child (daughter) Address:15 King Geprg St., Lucia 45325 Bacardia Telephone:8030-333-3333 E-mail:ashugara@bac.com Available:April 1, 2000 Career objective:Full-time position as an accountant with a large commercial firm Professional experience: 2002 to present Lucia Enterprises Ltd. Part-time accountant. Responsible for doing accounting jobs for the company and its small business clients. Summer 2000 and 2001 Two-month training period with Lucia Enterprises Ltd. Trainee accountant. 1999 (January-December) Shop assistant at the Lucia University bookstore.   Education: 2003-2004 Advanced training program in using computers for accounting purposes. Certificate from Lucia Computer Skills Training Centre. 1997-2002 Lucia University. MBA in Finance and Accounting Studies. Additional Skills: IMB PC user: MS Office; Windows 97, 98; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, proficient Internet user. Fluent in English and German, good working knowledge of Spanish. Driver’s license (car).   Interests:Hiking and running, amateur painting References (besides the enclosed): Theodore Masagi Bill Kurosava Professor of Finance Accountant Lucia University Lucia Enterprises Ltd

9. Speaking.

Look at Luis’s СV. Do you think he has written a good CV? Are there any things you would like to change?


Say what you know about Luis Antonio judging by his CV.


Personal Details: Name:Luis Antonio DE OLIVERA Date of Birth:April 11, 1961 Place of Birth:Santa Rosa, Brazil Nationality:Brazilian Address:53, rua Marea Angelica, 22461 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Telephone:8030-333-3333 Marital status:Married, two children (aged … and …) Married 1991 Employment history: 1992 to present Medilab, Rio de Janeiro. Responsible for Clinical Trials (Antibiotics). 1990-92 Merck, Buenos Aires. Assistant Marketing Manager. 1982-86 Medicins San Frontieres, Peru. Project Manager, Vaccination Pograms. Education: 1986-88 U.C.L.A., …. USA Masters in Business Administration. (Major: Sales and Marketing) 1975-82 Medical school. Graduated 1983 cum laude. 1969-74 Vasko da Gama High School, Sao Paolo. Interests: Astronomy, entomology, football.   Clean Driving license  

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Переглядів: 1117

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Speaking | Writing

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