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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Exercise 1

PREPARE TO READ...as you read the following selections, think about answering these questions: What does he/she look like? How will I recognize her/him? How will I know him/her? What do you know/think about her/him? What's he/she like? How would I describe him/her?

I - However, to give him his due, he's a worker. He never stops. He just takes charge...he won't take orders unless he approves of the way the job is being done. Unfortunately his way is always a better way! He's one of those fellows who has it all worked out in his mind before the first blow is struck or the first action will be taken. He's clever, self-controlled, and confident.

II- He looks like an ageing amiable clown - white hair rises from his forehead in an amusing peak, clownish mobile eyebrows were tufted and pointed. But below were piercing blue eyes that missed little...the man might look eccentric, but that didn't mean he was anybody's fool!

III- Miraculously, his mother was untouched by bitterness. The tragedies of her life did not show in her round, smooth, unmistaken Welsh face, with a pink and white bloom still there after sixty years of living in the valley, and forty-odd years of making two pence do the work of a shilling. She still kept the little terrace home spotlessly clean, still cooked an appetizing meal from the cheapest ingredients, and still glowed brightly when he told his stories.

IV- She didn't fit his idea of a nurse... he recalled that most of the older nurses had been sharp with their tongues, bossy, always in a hurry... there was no sharpness here... she was hardly more than a girl...standing there fresh, eager, unspoiled, full of vitality, she was a picture of…..

V- It struck him that she was an extraordinarily bright for a girl not yet twenty where did her perception and natural intelligence come from? not from her stolid old father. Her mother must have been quite a person, because she has a way of looking at things, seeing and grasping more than the average person would see or discern.

VI- He separated the students into four streams...the ones anxious to learn, the ones who occasionally tried, the professional time-passers, and the practical jokers. Boyer, a boy with dark hair and high cheekbones occupied a desk in the back row.... his humorous, heavy-lidded grey eyes were striking and playful even before the incident he was marked as a jester....

VII- What a lovely face! I had seen that face before, her blue-grey eyes glanced my way; I held the glance for less than a quarter-second...golden hair was swirled and tucked under a spice-color cap. She wore a faded work-shirt under a surplus Navy coat, blue jeans, and leather boots. We're standing thirty inches apart, yet there's no way to bridge the gulf to say hello....barely on the walk-side of running, she hurried down the hall to her room.

VIII- She gave birth to a striking daughter, a frost-fair delicate petite mite who pleased both mother and father enormously Alice was in her element taking charge of the baby; she fell head-over-heels in love with this first grandchild, progeny of her son....the cheerful charming baby was the light of her life now....

Читайте також:

  1. Additional Exercise
  2. C Complete this extract from a company report with appropriate words or phrases from the box in Exercise B.
  3. Do the suggested exercises and check them with the key (written work).
  4. Ex. 2.Use the words from the previous exercise to fill in the gaps below
  5. Exercise
  6. Exercise 1
  7. Exercise 1
  8. Exercise 1
  9. Exercise 1
  10. Exercise 1
  11. EXERCISE 1

Переглядів: 729

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
Animals: describing people | Exercise 2

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