Finite and non-finite forms of the verb. The category of representation.
The main division inside the verb is that between the finite verbs (finites) and non-finite verbs (verbals).
The finites can be subdivided into 3 systems - moods: indicative, imperative, subjunctive.
The verbids can be subdivided into 3 systems: infinitive, gerund, participle.
The category of representation (A.I. Smirnitsky) is the opposition of finite and non-finite forms. The category of representation is revealed through 3 categorial forms:
1. Verbal representation presented by predicative (personal) forms.
2. Substantive representation is characteristic to gerund and infinitive.
3. Adjectival representation is characteristic to participle.
The leading form of the category of representation is verbal representation, that is personal forms.
L.S.Barkhudarov: The category of representation = the category of finitude. The category of finitude (representation) is based on predicativity.