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Тлумачний словник
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Охорона Праці

Choose the correct plural forms of the nouns.

1. A box, a mother-in-law, a leaf, a deer, a cliff. A. Boxes, mothers-in-law, leafs, deer, cliffs B. Boxes, mother-in-laws, leaves, deers, cliffs C. Boxes, mother-in-law, leaves, deer, clives D. Boxes, mothers-in-law, leaves, deer, cliffs 2. A handkerchief, a calf, a photo, a passer-by, an analysis. A. handkerchiefs, calves, photoes, passer-bys, analyses B. handkerchief, calfs, photos, passers-by, analysis. C. handkerchiefs, calves, photos, passers-by, analysis D. handkerchieves, calves, photos, passer-bys, analyses 3. A piano, a roof, a schoolboy, a salmon, a criterion. A. pianos, roofs, schoolboys, salmon, criteria B. pianos, roofs, schoolboys, salmons, criteria C. pianos, roofs, schoolboys, salmon, criterions D. pianos, rooves, schoolboys, salmon, criteria 4. A potato, a path, a man, an ox ,a thief A. potatos, pathes, mens, oxen, thieves B. potatoes, paths, men, oxen, thieves C. potatos, paths, men, oxen, thieves D. potatoes, paths, man, oxen, thiefs 5. A kilo, a baby, an analysis, a leaf, a trout A. kilos, babies, analyses, leaves, trout B. kiloes, babies, analysis, leaves, trout C. kilos, babies, analyses, leafs, trouts D. kilos, babies, analyses, leaves, trouts 6. A wife, a story, a lunch, a piano, a mouse A. wifes, stories, lunches, pianoes, mice B. wifes, stories, lunchs, pianos, mices C. wives, stories, lunches, pianos, mice D. wives, storyes, lunches, pianoes, mice 7. A sheep, a schoolboy, a calf, a video, a basis A. sheeps, schoolboys, calfs, videos, bases B. sheep, schoolboys, calves, videos, bases C. sheep, schoolboys, calves, videos, basis D. sheep, schoolboys, calfs, videoes, bases 8. A potato, a swine, a month, a school-mate, a phenomenon A. potatos, swines, monthes, school-mates, phenomenon B. potatoes, swines, months, schools-mates, phenomenons C. potatoes, swine, months, school-mates, phenomena D. potatoes, swine, monthes, schools-mate, phenomena 9. A sheep, a grown-up, a hero, a torch, a safe A. sheep, grown-ups, heros, torches, safes B. sheep, grown-ups, heroes, torches, safes C. sheeps, grown-ups, heros, torches, saves D. sheep, growns-up, heroes, torches, saves 10. A path, a roof, a foot, a key, a datum A. pathes, roofs, foot, keys, datums B. paths, roofs, foot, keys, data C. pathes, rooves, foot, keys, datum D. paths, roofs, foot, keis, data 11. A hero, an ox, a goose, a criterion, a kerchief A. heroes, oxen, geese, criteria, kerchiefs B. heros, oxes, geese, criteria, kerchiefs C. heroes, oxen, goose, criterions, kerchiefs D. heroes, oxen, goose, criterias, kerchiefs 12. A country, a thesis, a loaf, a radio, a month A. countrys, thesis, loafs, radios, months B. countries, thesises, loafs, radios, monthes C. countries, theses, loaves, radios, months D. countries, theses, loaves, radioes, months 13. A tooth, a crisis, a mouse, a frying pan, a zoo. A. tooths, crises, mice, frying pans, zoos. B. teeth, crises, mouses, frying pans, zoos. C. teeth, crises, mice, fryings pans, zoos. D. teeth, crises, mice, frying pans, zoos. 14. A play, a child, an Englishman, a swine, a belief A. plays, childs, Englishmans, swine, beliefs B. plaies, children, Englishmen, swine, believes C. plays, children, Englishmen, swine, beliefs D. plays, children, Englishmen, swines, beliefs 15. An auto, a dish, a deer, a medium, a German A. autos, dishs, deer, mediums, Germen B. autos, dishes, deers, media, Germans C. autos, dishes, deer, medium, Germen D. autos, dishes, deer, media, Germans 16. An aircraft, a parent-in-law, a thief, a sheep, a tooth A. aircraft, parents-in-law, thieves, sheep, teeth B. aircrafts, parent-in-laws, thieves, sheep, teeth C. aircraft, parents-in-law, thiefs, sheep, tooths D. aircraft, parents-in-law, thieves, sheeps, teeth 17. A passer-by, a locksmith, a half, a hypothesis, a solo A. passer-bys, locksmiths, halfs, hypothesis, solos B. passer-bies, locksmiths, halves, hypothesa, solos C. passer-by, locksmithes, halves, hypotheses, soloes D. passers-by, locksmiths, halves, hypotheses, solos 18. An oath, a kangaroo, a policeman, a criterion, a looker-on A. oaths, kangaroos, policemen, criteria, lookers-on B. oathes, kangaroos, policemans, criterion, lookers-ons C. oaths, kangaroes, policemen, criteria, lookers-ons D. oaths, kangaroos, policemen, criterium, lookers-on 19. A folio, a youth, crisis, a handkerchief, a grown-up A. folioes, youth, crisis, handkerchiefs, grown-up B. folios, youth, crises, handkerchiefs, grown-ups C. folios, youth, crises, handkerchieves, grown-ups D. folios, youth, crises, handkerchiefs, growns-up 20. A sandwich, a secretary, a thesis, a roof, a kilo A. sandwichs, secretaries, thesis, roofs, kilos B. sandwiches, secretarys, thesis, rooves, kilos C. sandwiches, secretaries, theses, roves, kilo D. sandwiches, secretaries, theses, roofs, kilos


118. Choose the correct sentence in Reported Speech.

1. Mary said to Jill: “I love chocolate.” A. Mary told Jill that she loved chocolate. B. Mary said Jill that she loved chocolate. C. Mary told to Jill that she loved chocolate. D. Mary told Jill that she loves chocolate. 2. Christopher asked me: “Do you want to dance?” A. Christopher asked if he wanted to dance. B. Christopher asked me if did I want to dance. C. Christopher asked me if wanted I to dance. D. Christopher asked me if I wanted to dance. 3. Elisabeth asked John: “Did you watch the latest film?” A. Elisabeth asked if he had watched the last film. B. Elisabeth asked John if you had watched the latest film. C. Elisabeth asked John whether he had watched the latest film. D. Elisabeth asked John whether had you watched the latest film. 4. Ronald said to her: “Keep a record of your expenses.” A. Ronald said her to keep a record of her expenses. B. Ronald told to her to keep a record of her expenses. C. Ronald told her to keep a record your expenses. D. Ronald told her to keep a record of her expenses. 5. “You play chess, don’t you?” he asked me. A. He asked if I play chess. B. He asked me whether you played chess. C. He asked me whether I played chess, don’t I. D. He asked me whether I played chess. 6. “You needn’t come in tomorrow.” the boss said. A. The boss said me I didn’t have to come in the next day. B. The boss said he didn’t have to come in the next day. C. The boss said I didn’t have to come in the next day. D. The boss said you needn’t come in tomorrow. 7. Mary said: “If were you, I should get another lawyer.” A. Mary said if she were me, she would get another lawyer. B. Mary said if she was I, she would get another lawyer. C. Mary said if she were me, she should get another lawyer. D. Mary said if she were you, she would get another lawyer. 8. He asked me: “Who were you looking for?” A. He asked me who I was looking for. B. He asked me who I had been looking for. C. He asked me who I had being looking for. D. He asked me for who I was looking. 9. I asked Mary: “How can I solve the problem?” A. I told Mary how the problem I could solve. B. I asked Mary how could I solve the problem. C. I asked Mary how I could solve the problem. D. I asked Mary how she could solve the problem. 10. Helen asked him: “Which countries will John be visiting?” A. Helen told him which countries John would be visiting. B. Helen asked him which countries he would be visiting. C. Helen asked him which countries would John be visiting. D. Helen asked him which countries John would be visiting. 11. The doctor asked:“Which of you is waiting to see me next?” A. The doctor asked which of us was waiting to see me next. B. The doctor told me which of us was waiting to see him next. C. The doctor told which of us was waiting to see him next. D. The doctor asked which of us was waiting to see him next. 12. They asked me: “You like Italian food, don’t you?” A. They ask me if I like Italian food. B. They asked me if I liked Italian food. C. They told me if I liked Italian food. D. They asked me whether liked I Italian food. 13. She wondered: “Did you study hard for the exam?” A. She wondered whether we had studied hard for the exam. B. She wondered if we studied hard for the exam. C. She wondered if did we studied hard for the exam. D. She wondered if had we studied hard for the exam. 14. “Would you mind waiting?” he asked. A. He asked if I would have minded to wait. B. He asked me to wait. C. He asked me if wanted I to wait D. He told me to wait. 15. I said to Mike: “Please, send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.” A. I told Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived. B. I asked Mike to send me a telegram as soon as you arrive. C. I said to Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrives D. I asked Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived. 16. “Let’s play badminton,” said Nick. “Oh no,” said Mike. A. Nick said to Mike to play badminton, but Mike didn’t want to. B. Nick told Mike to play badminton. Mike said “No”. C. Nick suggested playing badminton. Mike refused. D. Nick asked to play badminton, Mike said he wouldn’t. 17. The teacher said: “The Earth moves around the sun. This fact was proved long ago.” A. The teacher said the Earth moved around the sun and this fact had been proved many years ago. B. The teacher said that the Earth moves around the sun and this fact has been proved long ago. C. The teacher said that the Earth moves around the sun and that fact had been proved long before. D. The teacher said that the Earth moved around the sun and that fact was proved long ago. 18. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?” A. Mary asked Tom what time he would come there the next day. B. Mary asked Tom what time would he come there the next day. C. Mary asked Tom what time will he come here tomorrow. D. Mary asked Tom what time would he come here the next day. 19. My parents said: “If you passed your test, we should buy you a car.” A. My parents said if I had passed my test they will have bought a car. B. My parents said if I had passed my test, they would buy me a car. C. My parents said if I you passed your test, they should buy you a car. D. My parents said if I passed my test, they would buy me a car. 20. I asked her: “Were your boys happy here?” “Yes, they were,” she said. A. I asked her if they were happy here and she answered they were. B. I asked if her boys had been happy here and she agreed. C. I asked if her boys had been happy there and she said they had. D. I asked her id my boys had been happy there and she said they were.


Читайте також:

  1. A) Choose the correct answer.
  2. A. Choose the correct variant.
  3. A. Choose the correct variant.
  4. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  5. Are these instructions correct?
  6. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
  7. Are these true or false? Correct the false ones.
  8. B) Fill in the blanks with the correct word-combination
  9. B) Read the sentences. Make sure you use the weak forms of the verbs, and the Low Wide Rise in unfinished parts of utterances.
  10. B. Missing word cloze quiz. Choose the correct word from 1) – 8).
  11. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.
  12. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.

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Choose the correct item | Choose the correct variant of the sentence in Passive Voice.

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