B. Underline every adjective in this letter. Then draw an arrow to the noun it is describing.
Dear Mrs. Cochran:
Paying bills on time can save you money! High interest rates accumulate quickly on overdue accounts. So why not send us personal check today to clear your balance of $264.84.
Your current bill is now 60 days overdue. Two months are not a great lapse of time. But you have always been a prompt customer. And delayed payments have a troublesome way of being forgotten.
We look forward to hearing from you soon and keeping your sound credit rating intact.
D. First change these adjectives into adverbs. Then use each new adverb in a sentence:
weary, patient, strong, laughing.
E. Underline every adverb in this memo. Then draw an arrow to the verb it is describing.
At your request, I have looked carefully into the problem of mailroom delays. Departments are receiving mail belatedly for a number of reasons:
1 Some mail is addressed improperly. So it is sent initially to the wrong department and must later be forwarded.
2 The mailroom is understaffed. The clerks handle mail as promptly as possible. But they get to each department slowly. They cannot cover all the departments efficiently.
This problem must be dealt with immediately. Complaints are mounting daily.
V. A. Study this organization. Which department:
1) puts the products in boxes and crates?
2) places ads in magazines?
3) pays the staff?
4) purchases supplies?
5) sells the products to customers?
6) plans how to sell new products?
7) services the machines and equipment?
8) arranges courses for the staff?
9) recruits new employees?
10) manufactures the products?
11) invoices customers?
12) looks after customers’ problems and complaints?
13) dispatches the products and sends them to customers?
14) organizes control systems to prevent mistakes?
15) deals with taxation, investment, and cash management?
Human Resources
Wages and Salaries