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UNIT 2. Various Forms of Art



Art has the power to challenge our minds and stir up our feelings. The ability to interpret art can be learned with practice. This art program will prepare you to use your eyes and mind to analyze many different kinds of art. As each new art experience unfolds, your ability to perceive and create art will increase. You can always learn from art, whether or not you choose to pursue art as a vocation, or

career. Studying or creating art as a hobby also helps you gain knowledge of and

appreciation for art.

There are many avocational opportunities in art. Avocational means not related to a job or career. Creating paintings, jewelry, fiberart, or ceramics can be fun and rewarding.

Pursuing art for personal enjoyment can teach you life skills as well. It can help

strengthen your problem-solving skills. For example, you can use the elements and principles of art to come up with a design solution for a project. Creating art for recreation also allows you to experiment with a variety of tools, materials, and techniques.

Creating art as an avocation can sharpen your interpersonal skills, which involves working and communicating with others. For example, you might participate in a group critique after creating a studio project in the classroom. This can improve your ability to analyze works by peers and others. It can also help provide insight into your personal art works.

Ex. 2. Складіть 5 запитань до тексту.

Ex. 3. Дайте відповіді на питання:

1. Did you notice that this storm has already dumped snow on the mountains in the background?

2. What do you think it would feel like to be the people in the foreground of this painting?

Ex. 4. Письмово заповніть пропуски:

developed, experiment, creativity, homes

1.It is a place to explore your … and challenge your problem-solving skills.

2. These perceptual skills can be … by increasing visual awareness.

3. It depicts people securing their … minutes before a storm.

4. Creating art for recreation also allows you to with a variety of tools, materials, and techniques.


Домашнє завдання:

Ex.5. Перекажіть текст.

Питання для самоконтролю:

1.Identify ways you can improve your perceptual skills.

2.Identify avocational opportunities or choices in art.

Різноманітні форми мистецтва.

Ex. 1. Прочитайте та запам’ятайте новий лексичний матеріал:

  1. creativity - творчий потенціал
  2. appealing way - привабливий шлях
  3. primary forms - первинні форми
  4. exception – виключення
  5. clear dividing line - ясно розділова лінія
  6. applied arts - прикладне мистецтво

Ex. 2. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

Artists use their imaginations, creativity, and skills to express themselves in a tangible, visually appealing way. Whenever you paint a picture, sculpt a figure with clay, or express yourself in a song, a dance, or a poem, you are creating art. However, art can take different forms. Two primary forms are fine arts and applied arts.

Читайте також:

  1. Basic qualities of the perfect forms
  2. Ex. 7. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the forms of the Gerund.
  3. Forms of action
  4. Free and Bound Use of Grammar Forms
  5. IV Analyze verb-forms and translate the following sentences. Match the verb-forms with their tenses in Active or Passive Voice.
  6. Subjunctive-Mood Forms

Переглядів: 724

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