Red, a dragon, spring, rainy. It is rainy in spring. The dragon is red.
3. Прочитайте діалоги. Перекладіть їх українською мовою. Прочитайте діалоги ще раз, замінюючи вказівний займенник this означеним артиклем the і навпаки. Подумайте, чи змінився зміст при перекладі.
1) Max: Granny! I see a bear. This bear is blue.
Granny: Really?
Max: No, it`s a joke. This bear is white.
Granny: Oh, yes. I see. The bear is white.
2) Max: Granny! I see a tiger. This bear is green.
Granny: Really?
Max: No, it`s a joke. The tiger is red and black.
Granny: Oh, yes. I see. This tiger is red and black.
3) Granny: Well, well, well… I see a wolf. And the wolf is yellow.
Max: Oh, no. This wolf is grey.
Granny: Yes, my dear. It is a grey wolf. It`s a jackal (шакал).
Max: Cool! It`s a jackal.
4) Granny: Well, well, well… I see a lion. And this lion is black.
Max: Really?
Granny: Yes, it`s black. But sorry for my joke. It is not a lion...
Max: Oh, yes. It is not a lion. It`s a goat! It`s a big black goat! Stop kidding, Granny!
Напишіть розповідь про казкову тварину. Розкрийте дужки.
This (am/is/are) a dinosaur. The dinosaur ( don`t/doesn`t) like children.
It (have/has) a big body. It (are/is) brown. (Do/Does) you like dinosaurs?
Урок 90
Is it a bird or an animal? Is it wild or domestic? Is it a …?