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Notes to the text

1. to draw upon –наблизитися, підійти;

2. spring balance –пружинна вага;

3. self-consistent theory –послідовна теорія;

4. intertwined –взаємопов’язаний;

5. convection current –конвекційний струмінь;

6. composite materials –композиційні матеріали;

7. chip –мікросхема

Exercise 12. Find English equivalents in the text.

гравітація, універсальна сила, електрон, галактика, частка, протон, нейтрон, енергія, механіка, рух, стимул, відкриття, орбіта, натяк, зв’язок, вимірювати, прилад, впливати на, визначати, закон, взаємопозв’язаний.

Exercise 13. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations.

fundamental forces, local gravity, planetary motion, the sun’s gravity, theory of mechanics, distant planets, artificial satellites, shape and structure of the Earth, an imperfection of Newtonian mechanics, the laws of classical mechanics, experimental support, the new mechanics of Einstein’s general relativity, a spring balance, planetary mechanics, the law of motion, the law of gravitational force.

Exercise 14. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Why is gravity of special interest? 2. How does it act? 3. Has it played an important role in mechanics? 4. What has motion governed gravity led to? 5. Why does gravity have a special place in mechanics? 6. What is planetary mechanics?


Task IV. Learn and memorize the following words and word-combinations

1. picturesqueмальовничий

2. to date backбрати початок

3. personalityособистість

4. chronicleлітопис

5. chronologyхронологія

6. to border onмежувати

7. to determineвизначати

8. temperate beltпомірна зона (пояс)

9. in accordance with …відповідно до ...

10. moderateпомірний

11. excessiveнадмірний

12. humidityвологість

13. precipitationопади

14. cropсільськогосподарська культура

15. timber industryлісова промисловість

16. foodstuff industryхарчова промисловість

17. long fibred flaxльон-довгунець

18. outputпродукція, випуск

19. beef and dairy animal husbandryм’ясо-молочне господарство

20. peatторф

21. limeвапно

22. to burn outвипалювати

23. brick-tiled raw materialsсировина для виготовлення

цегли та черепиці

24. pottery clayгончарна глина

25. gas depositгазове родовище

26. grainyзернистий

27. ertilizerдобриво

28. to be in demandкористуватися попитом

29. to prevailпереважати, бути поширеним

30. silk fabricшовкова тканина

31. centrifugal pumpвідцентровий насос

32. filmплівка

33. cannedконсервований

34. trade routesторговельні маршрути

35. prerequisitпередумова

36. inseparableневіддільний

Task V.Read and translate the topic.


Volyn is a picturesque land of thick forests, blue lakes, rivers and bright meadows. It has a long and rich history which dates back to the earliest centuries. Its history is full of bright personalities, important events and what not. The heart of this land is Lutsk. It is an administrative, economic and cultural center of Volyn. On the pages of Russian chronicles Lutsk is first mentioned in 1085 and chronology of the town begins with that date.

The area of the Volyn region is 20.2 thousand square kilometers. Its population is over one million inhabitants.

The Volyn region is situated in the North-West of Ukraine. It borders on the Brest region of Bilorus in the North, on the Rivne region of Ukraine in the East and on the Lviv region of Ukraine in the South, Helm and Zamost Voyevodstvos of Poland in the West.

The climate of Volyn is determined by its geographical location. The Volyn region lies in the temperate belt. In accordance with natural conditions Volyn is divided into 3 zones: the Northern Polissia, Southern Polissia and Forest Steppe.

The climate of the region is moderate-continental with mild winters and not very hot summers; with sufficient, but in the northern districts in some places, with excessive humidity. The climatic conditions in the region in general are favourable for the development of agriculture. Considerable quantity of precipitations and water resources in the ground is quite enough for growing agricultural crops.

The economy of Volyn is characterized by the industrial-agrarian type. In the country’s division of labour the region occupies a considerable place in the development of timber industry and industrial complex including foodstuff industry, long fibred flax production, the output of sugar beets and potatoes, beef and dairy animal husbandry.

The region’s potential of raw and mineral resources includes 10 kinds of minerals (coal, peat, gas, fresh water, carbonates, copper, lead). Raw materials for burning out lime, cement, brick-tiled raw materials, building and ballast sands, pottery clays are known here. Mastering of the Locachi gas deposits will solve the problem of supplying the population and enterprises with the gas during next ten years. It will also make it possible to reduce import of this raw material.

The northern part of the region is the territory rich in the deposits of the yellow and grainy phosphates. They can be used as non-standard potassium-phosphate-lime fertilizer. This production is in great demand both at the internal and external markets.

Industry prevails in the general economic structure. At the present moment there are 12 branches in the structure of industrial complex. The enterprises of these branches produce soft roofing materials, bearings, card board, silk fabrics, automobiles, devices and means of automation, centrifugal pumps, polymeric films, furniture, canned fruit and vegetables, animal butter, sugar, meat and other products.

The region takes a favourable geographical position due to its location on the cross-roads of the European trade routes. The shortest ways connecting Kyiv, Warsaw and Berlin go through Volyn. This creates necessary prerequisites for cooperation and acceleration of the development of foreign economic relations.

The region maintains trade and economic relations with more than 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. The goods are exported to 40 countries and imported from 34 countries.

Today Volyn is a window on Europe in the North-West of Ukraine, an inseparable constituent of the independent Ukraine.

Exercise 15.Translate into English the following words and word-com-binations.

Мальовничий край, сільськогосподарські культури, густі ліси, промислово-аграрний тип економіки, розподіл праці, важлива подія, яскрава особистість, займати значне місце, лісова промисловість, сторінки літопису, харчова промисловість, хронологія міста, вирощування льону-довгунця, житель, м’ясо-молочне господарство, межувати з..., цукровий буряк, клімат визначається, прісна вода, географічне положення, торф, мідь і свинець, відповідно до природних умов, випалювання вапна, лісостеп, гончарна глина, помірно-континентальний клімат, газове родовище, м’яка зима, зернистий фосфат, достатня вологість, добрива, надмірна вологість, користуватися попитом, кліматичні умови, внутрішній ринок, кількість опадів, зовнішній ринок, м’який покрівельний матеріа, тваринне масло; підшипник, сприятливе географічне положення, відцентровий насос, необхідні передумови, тонкий картон, шовкова тканина, прискорення розвитку, підтримувати зв’язки, консервовані фрукти та овочі, невіддільна складова, незалежна Україна

Exercise 16.Answer the following questions on the text.

1. Where is Volyn region situated? 2. What is its area? 3. What is the population of Volyn region? 4. What is the largest city of Volyn? 5. What countries (regions) does it border on? 6. What is the climate of Volyn region determined by? 7. What kind of climate is it? 8.What zones in accordance with natural conditions is the region divided into? 9. What are the peculiarities of Volyn’s climate as compared with other parts of Ukraine? 10. What type of economy does Volyn have? 11. What place does the region occupy in the republican division of labour? 12. What mineral resources are found in the region? 13. What is the northern part of the region rich in? 14. What do the enterprises of the region produce? 15. How many countries take part in export-import operations in the Volyn region? 16. Will you prove that the region takes a favourable geographical position for the contacts with foreign countries?

Task VI.Reproduce the topic in your own words.

Читайте також:

  1. Notes to the text
  2. Notes to the text
  3. Notes to the Text
  4. Notes to the text
  5. Notes to the Text
  6. Notes to the text
  7. Notes to the Text
  8. Notes to the text
  9. Notes to the Text
  10. Notes to the Text
  11. Notes to the Text

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