The cockpit is one of compartments of the fuselage situated in its front pail It is a working place of the crew. It accommodates crew members. Apart from crew members the cockpit houses computers, controls, instruments, systems and sonic equipment.
The modern cockpit must be comfortable and spacious. It must provide forward-facing (looking) seating arrangement for the crew. Seats are designed for comfort, convenience and efficiency. They must be reclined and adjusted in horizontal and vertical directions. They are usually installed on a track to provide an easy exit and entry for the crew. It is recommended that seats for the crew should have sheep-skin covers. Each seat must be provided with a proper harness.
A glass part of the cockpit is called a canopy. It includes two kinds of windows front windows and side windows. Front windows consist of a windscreen (windshield) and eye-brow windows. The windshield must be very strong It is made of a special kind of glass which has good optical and aerodynamic characteristics. It must be provided with a large-scope wipers and be large enough to provide good vision (view) for the crew. It is electrically heated to prevent ice and fog formation. Side windows are divided into sliding side windows (left and right) and fixed side windows (left and right).
Exercise 21. Speak on:
1 Longitudinal and transversal members of the fuselage construction.