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A: In my opinion John Applicant has a good chance to take the position of a lawyer because he can convey information in a clear, concise, and logical manner.
B: Why do you think so?
A: I think so because in his resume he writes that he got Oral Advocacy Award in Spring 2008 and four times he was the State Policy Debate Champion in 1998-2002.
John Applicant
123 Main St. New York, New York 12345 John.Applicant@email.com
University of State, College of Law, Springfield, CA
Candidate for Juris Doctor May 2010
Oral Advocacy Award, spring 2008
State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, CA
Bachelor of Arts, American Government (Honours), May 2006
Parliamentary Debate Team (2002-2004)
Honourable Judge Johnson, U.S. Court of Appeals, autumn 2008. Externship was comprised of researching and writing memos, draft opinions and draft orders.
Thomas & Smith, P.A., Summer Associate, Phoenix, AZ, Summer 2008 Researched and wrote memoranda and motions for commercial (trade secrets), criminal defence (racketeering) and pro bono (Constitutional standards for conditions of confinement) matters.
Spanish (proficient); travelled extensively throughout Latin America
4-time 4A State Policy Debate State Champion (1998-2002); 2-time National Tournament Qualifier (2000, 2001)