| proceedings
| a
| the written records of what is said or decided at the meeting
| abstract
| b
| someone who takes part in a conference
| interpreter
| c
| a formal decision taken at a meeting by means of a vote
| vote
| d
| a discussion in which people express different opinions about a subject
| resolution
| e
| a person who has been chosen to act on behalf of another person or a group of people
| chairman
| f
| your choice in an election or at a meeting where decisions are taken
| debate
| g
| a list of the items that have to be discussed at a meeting
| minutes
| h
| a suggestion formally put before a meeting, which is the subject of arguments for and against, and that is accepted or refused according to the number of those who express agreement or disagreement
| welcome
| i
| to be in charge or act as the chairperson at a conference
| preside
| j
| you greet people in a friendly way when they arrive at the conference
| motion
| k
| the person in charge, who decides when each person is allowed to speak
| participant
| l
| a long essay written on an academic subject
| paper
| m
| a short piece of writing that summarizes the main points of paper
| agenda
| n
| a person whose job is to listen to what someone is saying and translate it immediately into another language
| representative
| o
| the records or minutes of the meetings
| translator
| p
| a person whose job involves translating writing or speech from one language to another