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Present Simple
Formation V1, V-s/-es(for 3d person Singular) He reads newspapers every day. They always walk a dog in the morning.
Question form do/does Does he read newspapers every day? Do they walk a dog in the morning?
Negative form do + not (don’t)/does + not (doesn’t) He doesn’t read newspapers every day. They don’t walk a dog in the morning.
Usage routine, habits, universal truth, facts
Signal words always, often, rarely, never, usually, every day, sometimes
Present Progressive
Formation be (am, are, is) + Ving My nephew is sleeping now. Twin-brothers are playing football in the yard.
Question form be (am, are, is) + subject +Ving Is my nephew sleeping now? Are twin-brothers playing football in the yard?
Negative form be (am, are, is) + not + Ving My nephew isn’t sleeping now. Twin-brothers aren’t playing football in the yard
Usage action going on at the moment of speaking, temporary event or situation, future arrangements describing a state which is changing
Signal words now, at the moment, currently, at this period, Look! Listen!
Present Perfect
Formation have/has + V3 I have just called my sister-in-law. She has dyed her hair red.
Question form have/has + subject+V3 Have I just called my sister-in-law? Has she dyed her hair red?
Negative form have/has + not + V3 I haven’t just called my sister-in-law. She hasn’t dyed her hair red.
Usage action started in the past and continues into the present, recent events with visible result, past events without specific time
Signal words just, yet, still, already, never, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for

A. Find the examples of Present tenses in the text “Modern families”.

B. Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of Present Simple (negative/question/affirmative forms).

1) My niece never (to eat) snacks.

2) They (to be) ex-spouses.

3) His uncle always (to invite) us to drink tea in his garden.

4) My aunt (to have) two children but I (to be) an only child in the family (not to have) anyone to play with.

5) My colleagues (to enjoy) playing tricks on me.

6) Her ex-husband (to have) another family?

7) He (not to play) with us, he (to prefer) dealing with his flowers.

8) Secretaries of Indigo, plc always (to call) the partners of the company at 10 a.m.?

9) It is said that widows always (to wear) black clothes.

10) Belgian chocolates (to taste) marvelous?

Читайте також:

  1. A. Expressing Present
  2. An unusual present
  3. Ask your friend the following questions, present the results to the whole group.
  4. B. Expressing Past and Present
  5. B. Put the verb into the most suitable form with future meaning, Present progressive or Present simple.
  6. C. Choose the best alternative between Present simple and Present Perfect.
  7. Combating Smuggling. Grammar: Phrasal Verbs
  8. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are about the future. Use Will/won't or the present simple (I see / he plays / it is etc.).
  9. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Continuous.
  10. Continuous Tenses (Active)
  11. Customs’ IPR Enforcement. Grammar: PhrasalVerbs

Переглядів: 872

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
C. Read the text and find out how many people Callum, Meera, Веn and Trudy share a house with. | C. Choose the best alternative between Present simple and Present Perfect.

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