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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

A. Expressing Present

UNIT 1 Present continuous (I am doing)

a)Study this example situation:

We use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking:

- Please don't make so much noise. I'm studying(not 'I study')

- 'Where is Margaret?' 'She's havinga bath.' (not 'she has')

- Let's go out now. It isn't rainingany more.

- (at a party) Hello, Ann. Areyou enjoyingthe party? (not 'do you enjoy')

b) We also use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening around, the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking.. Study this example situation:

-Tom and Ann are talking and drinking in a cafe. Tom says: 'I'm readingan interesting book at the moment. I'll lend it to you when I've finished it.'

Tom is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has begun the book and hasn't finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Here are some more examples:

- Silvia is learningEnglish at the moment. (not 'learns')

- Have you heard about Tom? He is buildinghis own house. (not 'builds')

But perhaps Silvia and Tom are not doing these things exactly at the time of speaking.

c) We often use the present continuous when we talk about a period around the present. For example: today, this seasonetc.:

- 'You're workinghard today.''Yes, I have a lot to do.'

- Tom isn't playingfootball this season.He wants to concentrate on his studies.

d) We use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations:

- The population of the world is risingvery fast. (not 'rises')

- Is your English gettingbetter? (not 'does ... get')

Читайте також:

  1. A. Make up short dialogues expressing your opinion, agreeing or disagreeing. Use the prompts given below.
  2. A. Read the short extract from the interview and recognize any constructions expressing Future Actions.
  3. An unusual present
  4. Ask your friend the following questions, present the results to the whole group.
  5. B. Expressing Past and Present
  6. B. Put the verb into the most suitable form with future meaning, Present progressive or Present simple.
  7. C. Choose the best alternative between Present simple and Present Perfect.
  8. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are about the future. Use Will/won't or the present simple (I see / he plays / it is etc.).
  9. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Continuous.
  10. D. Make up short dialogues expressing lack of certainty and surprise. Use prompts given below.
  11. Expressing need

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