1. What specific information was given on the following points: a) time and place; b) theme; c) objective; d) types of presentations; e) requirements for abstracts (abstract format); f) deadline for their submission; i) sponsors.
2. Replace the words and phrases in italics with suitable expressions from the text.
1. The annual conference on seismology is to take place under the joint sponsorship of the Academy of Science and the Geophysical Society. 2. The chief aim of this fundamental research is to fill in the gaps in our knowledge of the nature of weak interactions. 3. The range of the problems to be discussed will cover some aspects of basic theoretical and experimental knowledge of this phenomenon. 4. The invited papers are to be read at a special joint session which will be held on Wednesday morning. 5. Prospective contributors are required to present their registration forms. 6. The closing date for the submission of abstracts of proposed presentations is October 15, 19.. . 7. The World Conference on Environmental Protection is organized under the auspices of UNESCO and will bring together more than 1000 people.