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Guided letter writing practice

Exercise 1. Read the following letter and answer the questions given below.

Slater and Sinclair Limited Telex: 05327 slas Fax: 395-6787   Your Ref: Our Ref: ST/lt 15 February 20...   Wilhelm Petersen & Co. 62 Grafenberger Straβe 2 Hamburg-Eppendorf Germany   Dear Sirs   We have received your address from Mr Friedrich Schulze, our representative in Düsseldorf. He informs us that you manufacture various types of adding machines. We are very interested in including your machines in our sales programme.   If you are interested in doing business with us we would like you to make us an offer with full details.   We hope to hear from you soon.   Yours faithfully SThatcher   Steven Thatcher Sales Manager


1. What kind of letter is it?

2. Where did Slater and Sinclair Limited get the address of this German firm?

3. What does Mr F. Schulze inform Mr S. Thatcher of?

4. What can you say about Slater and Sinclair Limited? What are their interests and intentions?


1. Find the sentences in which Mr S. Thatcher

- informs the partner of his plans;

- expresses his request;

- finishes the letter.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the letter using synonymous expressions.

  Dear Sirs   We saw your kitchen furniture at the Leipzig Fair held last spring. We are interested in your line and ask you to send us all data available on your products.   We await your reply with great interest.   Yours faithfully

Exercise 3.Write a letter according to the points of guidance given below:


Mr G. Brentsin Manager Pencil Group Ltd. Mr R.Stone Manager Fortune Estate Ltd.


157 Patpong Road Bangkok Thailand   12 Junction Mews Sales Place London W21PN United Kingdom


Pencil Group Ltd. plans to open an office in London. Help Mr G. Brentsin write a request to Fortune Estate Ltd. Here are some suggestions:

1. Explain your reason for writing the letter: say that you intend to open an office in London.

2. Say that you are prepared both to rent and buy some office space.

3. Ask Fortune Estate Ltd. to send you some information about their premises in the central and western parts of London.

4. Express appreciation of your partners' efforts.

Exercise 4.Read the following advertisement and write a letter to Pergamon International AB requesting them to send you some additional information about the exact location of their houses and their prices. Do not forget to introduce yourself.

RENT OUR HOUSE   We are a British company who deals with real estate business in Australia. We have today the right to lease houses for accommodations and / or offices to foreign companies in Sydney. These houses are on long term lease basis and are situated 20 minutes drive from Sydney centre. The sizes of the houses vary between 160-700 sqm, they are fully furnished and ready to move in and have connecting facilities such as tennis courts, saunas and conference/cinema hall. We have representation in Moscow, so we will be able to serve your needs on sight. For more information please contact us. pergamon International AB Phone: +46-31168855,163555 Telefax: +46-31168707  


Exercise 5.June is going to be a tough month for Mr S. Bond. Apart from many other things he must visit some exhibitions in Moscow, especially those he marked in this ad. Help Mr S. Bond write a letter to the Metropol Hotel in Moscow requesting them to reserve a room with a bath for him.

Don't forget to mention when Mr S. Bond will arrive and how long he is going to stay.


Forthcoming International Exhibitions in Moscow V JUNE 17-24:Konsumexpo — International Consumer Goods Exhibition Expocentr, Sokolnichesky val 1-a   V JULY 2 -9: Inforg — Exhibition for Office Organisation, Equipment and Supplies Expocentr, Sokolnichesky val 1-a AUGUST: International Trade Fair for Facilities and Equipment in the Private and Public Sectors Moscow Hall at Sokolniki Park


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  3. Abstract writing
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  5. Answer to inquiry letter
  6. Appeal denied for killer who sent taunting letter
  7. At the mention of Harry’s letter, Hermione and Ron both turned to stare at him.
  8. B) Comment on the letter above. Point out in what it differs from Judy's earlier letters (see the text). Explain the last line of this letter. Is Judy quite serious here?
  9. B) Read the conversation making sure you stress all the syllables printed in block letters.
  10. B. Practice the following conversation with a partner using the substitutions in the box.
  11. B. Underline every adjective in this letter. Then draw an arrow to the noun it is describing.

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Letter 3. Request to send some reference material | Letter 1. Enquiry for computers

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