C. Read the text and match the highlighted words to their definitions.
1. mainspring; 2. to have big bet on; 3. intangible; 4. to be all the rage; 5. to foster; 6. shortfall; 7. capital stocks; 8. gauge; 9. GDP; 10. to dismantle; 11. mediocre; 12. thriving; 13. performance; 14. to sustain; 15. to be keen on.
A. ___the total money value of all final goods and services produced in an economy over a one – year period;
B. ___ the main part of smth, chief force;
C. ___ to increase smth in number, value or strengthg;
D. ___ the total amount of capital goods (plant, offices, machinery and equipment) currently available to a firm or an economy with which to produce goods and services
E. ___ to be trendy;
F. ___ of not very high quality, second – rate;
G. ___ the amount by which something is less than you need or expect;
H. ___ prosperous, successful, growing strong and healthy;
I. ___ nonphysical, unable to be touched, seen, tasted, but having a money value
J. ___ to help or encourage the development of smth, to keep smth alive;
K. ___ to make an agreement to risk money, etc. on an event of which the result is doubtful;
L. ___ an instrument for measuring the amount of smth;
M. ___ to take smth to pieces;
N. ___ very interested in something or eager to do something;
O. ___ this shows how successful an investment, company, etc. is and how much profit it makes.