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Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Textile specialists training in Ukraine

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design is one of the leading universities of Ukraine which prepares specialists for the fields of light industry. Reflecting the diversity of the industry itself, the curriculum includes Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in textiles, textile and apparel management, textile science, textile engineering and textile chemistry.

Within some of these degree programs, a student may specialize in textile design, textile technology, textile management, apparel management, polymer chemistry, dyeing and finishing science, dyeing and finishing technology, and dyeing and finishing management.

The textiles degree program is designed to provide a broad foundation in textile technology beginning with the basic raw material and progressing through to the finished fabric. Students enrolled in this curriculum may specialize further in the areas of textile design or advanced textile technology. Textiles program graduates typically fill design and manufacturing management positions in fibre and textile manufacturing firms.

Students enrolled in the textile and apparel management program will obtain a solid background in textiles, in addition to management concepts and applications. Specializations in textile management or apparel management arepossible. Graduates of these programs are in demand to fill positions in production, technical services, sales, marketing, purchasing, personnel and other related management and staff functions.

Another program offering outstanding opportunities for students is the textile science program, which emphasizes research, development, and applications of advanced technology to the fibre and textile industries. It is also a good choice for scientific and technical disciplines.

Students studying textile chemistry can concentrate on dyeing and finishing science, polymer science, dyeing and finishing operations and dyeing and finishing management. These students are in great demand in the numerous textile operations that emphasize dyeing and finishing.

Students studying textile engineering learn how to apply scientific principles and engineering practices to the widely diversified aspects of textile processes, products and machinery.

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design offers programs leading to the Master of Science, Master of Textiles, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Graduates with advanced textile degrees are constantly in short supply and great demand.

The curriculum of the university is comprehensive. Extension programs provide numerous short courses, conferences and workshops on a greatvariety of subjects ofinterest to thefibre, textile and apparel industries.


III Answer the questions

1. What does Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design prepare specialists for?

2. What degrees can be obtained at the university?

3. What specialized courses does the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in textiles curriculum include?

4. What may students specialize in?

5. What positions do textiles program graduates typically fill?

6. What can students studying textile chemistry concentrate on?

7. What do students studying textile engineering learn?


IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text and translate them

1. Kyiv National University of … prepares specialists for the field … .

2. The textiles degree program provides … .

3. Students who study the textile and apparel management program will obtain …

4. The textile science program emphasizes research … .

5. … are in great demand in … textile operations … and finishing.


V Translate the sentences into English

1. Наш університет готує фахівців для галузей легкої промисловості.

2. Після 4 років навчання випускники можуть отримати ступінь бакалавра.

3. Навчальна программа включає обов’язкові (базові) предмети.

4. Студенти починають з вивчення сировини та закінчують основами оздоблення текстильних виробів.

5. Випускники, що отримали освіту в галузі дизайну та виробництва текстилю знаходять роботу на підприємствах по виробництву текстилю.

6. Деякі студенти хочуть зайнятися науковою роботою та досліджувати та розробляти новітні технології в текстилі.

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Переглядів: 624

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II Read the text again and choose heading for each paragraph | Reading and writing skills

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