B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.
1. Complex international, economic, technological and cultural changes that could start to diminish the leading position of English as the language of the world market.
2. The agrarian revolution, which allowed greater food production with fewer workers, and the industrial revolution, which created new employment opportunities in towns, and improvements in healthcare, which reduced mortality rates.
3. The future of languages in the world.
4. International travel movements between non-English speaking countries.
5.Demographic factors affecting language spread, language shift, and language change.
c/ The purpose of the text is what the author wants the reader to believe in. Does the writer want you to believe that:
1. Demographic changes can affect the English language to a much greater extent but they can be predicted?
2. Though English is ‘demographically challenged’ in developing countries it is rapidly acquiring new speakers in developed countries?
3. Large numbers of migrant workers support the economy without changing the ethnic and linguistic profile of developed countries?
4. Current demographic changes are harming the English language?
5. The relative size of the world’s languages depends on the age profile of population?