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Labor Law
In general, the state has extensive authority over labor relation matters, including the labor market, unemployment, social insurance, labor safety, standard employment conditions and resolution of labor disputes. The state provides additional employment guarantees to women with children under the age of 6, single mothers with children who are disabled or under the age of 14, senior citizens of preretirement age and persons released from prison.
The Labor Code, which covers nearly all aspects of employee relations in Ukraine, governs employment agreements and contracts; working hours and time off; compensation and social benefits; discipline; employment of women and minors; resolution of employment disputes; liabilities of employees and employers.
The Labor Code provides that an employment contract is a special form of employment agreement that may be used only where permitted by law. While an employment contract may be entered into for a definite term or until a specific job is completed, an employment agreement, being the major legal basis of employment relationships, is usually concluded for an indefinite term.
Under the Labor Code, employment may be terminated by: agreement of the parties; expiration of the employment agreement; entry of the employee into military or alternative non-military service; the employee, the employer, or the trade union, if applicable.
An employee has the right to terminate his or her permanent employment agreement without reason upon two weeks notice.
The minimum wage is the lowest compensation allowed by law for simple, unskilled work. The minimum wage does not include any additional compensation payable to an employee. Overtime and holiday work must be compensated at a double rate.
Under the Constitution and the Labor Code, all Ukrainian citizens have equal employment and labor rights regardless of race, color, political, religious or other beliefs, gender, national or social background, financial status, or language. The Labor Code and other laws also provide protection and special employment and labor rights for working women, minors, students, senior citizens and disabled individuals.