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Choose the correct item

1.They said that they ….. early next morning. A. had been leaving B. would leave C. had left 2. I wish you ….. stop arguing with your sister. A. had B. would C. wouldn’t 3. You won’t get a visa ….. you have your passport with you. A. if B. when C. unless 4. Alice ….. me that she was moving to Cornwall the following year. A. said B. told C. asked 5. If only I ….. more convincing at the audition! I would have got the part. A. were B. had been C. be 6. If you go to the bakery, ….. me some bread, please. A. buy B. will buy C. bought 7. ….. you need a plumber, contact my brother-in-law. A. Would B. Had C. Should 8. Alan ….. to drive me into the city centre. A. agreed B. threatened C. ordered 9. Tim told me that he couldn’t ….. one twin from the other. A. tell B. say C. ask 10. You can borrow the car ….. you put in some petrol before you bring it back. A. as long as B. suppose C. unless 11. The teacher told us that water ….. at 0 C A. froze B. freezes C. had frozen 12. Victoria said that she was going to the theatre the ….. week. A. last B. that C. following 13. I wish I ….. the aerobics class. I’ve heard it’s terrific. A. join B. would have joined C. had joined 14. If you ….. me yesterday, I would have been able to meet you for lunch today. A. had called B. call C. called 15. Margaret ….. going shopping on Saturday. A. demanded B. offered C. suggested 16. Whenever I ….. to the supermarket, I only buy fresh fruit and vegetables. A. go B. will go C. am going 17. Peter said he ….. meet me at the station and told me to take a taxi. A. shall B. couldn’t C. should 18. My teacher told me that I ….. stay after school as a punishment for talking in class. A. might B. had to C. needed 19. ….. I were you, I would accept his invitation. A. Unless B. If C. Whether 20. If they ….. , I won’t bother cooking. A. aren’t coming B. will come C. won’t come


Читайте також:

  1. A) Choose the correct answer.
  2. A. Choose the correct variant.
  3. A. Choose the correct variant.
  4. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  5. Are these instructions correct?
  6. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
  7. Are these true or false? Correct the false ones.
  8. B) Fill in the blanks with the correct word-combination
  9. B. Missing word cloze quiz. Choose the correct word from 1) – 8).
  10. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.
  11. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.
  12. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.

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