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РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



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Choose the correct item

1.Emma was watering the plants while her children ….. in the garden. A. was playing B. were playing C. played 2. Rachel used to ….. watching cartoons when she was young. A. loving B. loved C. love 3. Lucy ….. a book all night and was very sleepy in the morning. A. is reading B. had been reading C. was reading 4. You ….. feed the dog. I have already fed it. A. needn’t B. must C. mustn’t 5. First, he had dinner, then he ….. the newspaper. A. had read B. was reading C. read 6. Julia entered the room very quietly ….. she didn’t want to wake anyone up. A. while B. as C. so 7. The Browns ….. abroad for ten years before they moved back to England. A. lived B. have lived C. had lived 8. Molly ….. the house by the time it started to rain. A. reached B. had reached C. was reaching 9. Amanda was listening to her favourite CD when Jack ….. A. came in B. have come in C. had come in 10. Alex never ….. eat vegetables when he was a teenager. A. use to B. used C. used to 11. You ….. chew gum in class. A. must B. mustn’t C. needn’t 12. I ….. the ambulance siren wailing as I was walking through the city centre. A. heard B. was hearing C. had been hearing 13. I think History is less interesting ….. Geography. A. that B. of C. than 14. Is Richard ….. than Steve? A. much talented B. more talented C. as talented 15. Jessica was making the beds while Mike ….. the floor. A. was sweeping B. swept C. had swept 16. You ….. make an appointment to see a doctor. The clinic is open 24 hours a day. A. need B. needn’t C. mustn’t 17. My grandfather often ….. old films. A. has watched B. watches C. had been watching 18. Have you ever ….. to Los Angeles before? A. been B. went C. gone 19. Mark isn’t as ….. as Valerie. A. friendlier B. friendliest C. friendly 20. You ….. have a driving licence in order to drive a car. A. need to B. needn’t C. must



Читайте також:

  1. A) Choose the correct answer.
  2. A. Choose the correct variant.
  3. A. Choose the correct variant.
  4. Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  5. Are these instructions correct?
  6. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
  7. Are these true or false? Correct the false ones.
  8. B) Fill in the blanks with the correct word-combination
  9. B. Missing word cloze quiz. Choose the correct word from 1) – 8).
  10. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.
  11. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.
  12. B/ The topic is the subject area the author chooses to bring her/his idea to the reader. Identify the main topic of the text.

Переглядів: 707

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