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Grammar. Conditional sentences.

Part A. When we talk about what may happen in the future if a certain condition occurs, we can use the first conditional.


If Maria eats shrimp, she’ll get sick. Some people think that if they eat lobster, they will live for a long time.


What effects do different foods have? Finish the sentence using the table.

· If you drink coffee, ___________________________________________________

· If you eat too much candy, _____________________________________________

· If you never drink milk or eat cheese, _____________________________________

· You won’t get strong if ________________________________________________

· You might live to a very old age if _______________________________________

· If you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, ___________________________________

· You’ll get strong if ____________________________________________________


Part B. Work with a partner. You know already about the relationship between food and vitamins. Brainstorm a list of foods and the vitamins they contain. Then, using the conditional, make sentences showing the effects of eating or not eating these foods. Use the previous exercise as an example.



& Reading

You are going to read a newspaper article about unhealthy food. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A – G the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Junk Food

In today’s fast–moving world, people have less and less time to spend eating, let alone cooking. It is probably for this reason that junk food has become so popular, and there’s no doubt that it’s here to stay. In fact, it seems that you simply can’t get away from it. One British hotel group recently announced that its guests are able to order fast food through room service, a move which is seen by many as signifying a new era in the couch potato lifestyle. So what exactly is junk food?


Obviously, a diet of junk food is not the best thing for your health, particularly as it is high in saturated fat. In 1993, the Journal of National Cancer Institute reported this type of fat to be associated with a greater risk of cancer.

The best advice, then, for those who cannot live without their hamburgers or chocolate bars, is to limit the amount of junk food they eat. A little now and then will probably do no harm. But why have our eating habits changed? “It’s lack of time and loss of tradition”, says one expert.

Another alarming thing about people’s lifestyle today is that while the amount of junk food we eat has increased, the amount of exercise we do has actually decreased. Exercise plays an important part in keeping the body fit and healthy; it helps to control our weight and, if taken regularly, can also decrease our chances of having a heart attack in later life.

Even though people nowadays are actually far more aware of the importance of exercise and healthy diet than they were a few years ago, the new unhealthy way of life is surprisingly popular. This is illustrated by statistics gathered by researchers over the past two decades.

Researchers suggest that the new generation will be much more likely to suffer from heart and liver disease. What can’t be emphasized enough is the fact that a balanced diet and regular exercise bring significant health benefits.

Ironically, if they were to make time to exercise andimprove their eating habits, they would probably find that they were far better equipped to deal with their stressful lifestyles than they are now.


A.Recent research has shown that young French people, who prefer burgers and chips to rich gourmet dishes, tend to become overweight. Weight gained in adolescence is extremely hard to lose in later life, so researchers are predicting that the new French generation is not going to be admired for their slim figures as the French have traditionally been.

B.Basically, it is anything that is high in calories but lacking in nutrition. Hamburgers, crisps, chocolate bars and hot dogs fall into this category. Pizzas, although they can have vegetable and cheese toppings, are also included as they contain a lot of fat.

C.Not all junk food is bad for your health, however. Some hamburgers, for example, are very high in nutrients and low in fat. It is just a question of finding out what goes into the food before you decide to eat it.

D.Apart from the risk of cancer, another side effect of consuming highly fattening junk food is that you are likely to gain weight. This is especially true because you tend to eat more, as junk food is less satisfying and lower in vital nutrients than healthier food.

E.You can gain anything from glowing skin to an all-round feeling of good health. One way or another, the vast majority of people seem to be missing out on this, due mainly to the pressure of modern life.

F.What is more, you don’t have to exercise much to gain visible benefits. Doctors say that twenty minutes’ exercise three times a week is all that is necessary.

G.He explains that people are too busy to cook and eat proper meals, so they grab whatever is available – and that is usually junk food. Also, the style of life represented on TV, especially in music videos, is fast. Young people pick up the idea that speed means excitement, whereas anything traditional is slow and boring. As a result, they turn down traditional food and go for junk food instead.

Читайте також:

  1. Choose any newspaper and complete the following sentences.
  2. Combine the following words into sentences.
  3. Complete the sentences.
  4. Conditional Branch Instructions
  5. Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets below and translate the sentences.
  6. Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined part of the sentences.
  7. Exercise 14. Put questions of different kinds to the following sentences.
  8. Finish the sentences.
  9. II. Listen again. Choose the right option to complete the following sentences. In some cases more than one option is possible
  10. II. Listen to the second fragment and complete the following sentences. Study the following words before listening
  11. IV Analyze verb-forms and translate the following sentences. Match the verb-forms with their tenses in Active or Passive Voice.

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Exercise 1 | Vocabulary Practice

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