(1) What geographical points are called Land's End and John O'Groats? What area is meant in the phrase 'from Land's End to John O'Groats"? Does "to set a process in motion" mean "to begin it"?
(2) How would you understand the phrase "our modern world was born in northern cities of Britain"? What is meant by the "modern world"? Does the phrase imply the political, economic or technical aspects of our civilization?
(3) Do the word "stocky" and "taciturn" give a positive or a negative characteristics of the people? How can people "live by steam"? Does the "dynamism of the human condition" mean that the living conditions of people can change quickly or that they do not change at all?
(4) What does the phrase "by the rules of heredity mean? Were the artificial satellite and the computer really invented, built or first thought of in the North of Britain?
(5) Who or what is Baedeker? What is a history's crucible? Is it a place where "history is made"? In what way does Baedeker not recognize the fact that history was made in the North of Britain? What places are referred to as historical in guidebooks?
(6) Why are the primitive industries said to "invigorate the country"?
(7) How can the country be impelled? Why are the people of England referred to as "islanders"? What kind of horses may be called "noble"? Why should their legs be "immense"?
(8) What is a bill of exchange? How can it be "negotiated"?
(9) Why should the open fields be enclosed? What were the enclosed fields used for? Does the word "lively" refer to the physical or to the mental qualities of the farmers? What is winter feed?
(10) How can a class be fostered? What kind of adventure is mentioned here? Has it anything to do with overseas voyages and geographical discoveries? What is the difference between a serf and a yeoman?