1. Short-term memory serves as a kind of holding pen for data we may or may not want to retain.
2. In order for information to make the leap from STM to LTM, it must have some significance or association.
Expand the given statements and develop each of them into a paragraph.
1. Short-term memory is our simplest memory-storage.
2. Long-term memory has a comparatively limitless capacity and duration.
3. The way information is stored depends upon the way it was learned in the first place.
4. Debate the given problem. It is advisable that the group be divided into two parties, each party advocating their viewpoint. Use the following introductory phases:
I will start by saying (claiming) that …
What I mean to say is …
You are free to disagree with me but …
My point is that…
Much depends on who (when, what, how) …
I’d like to make it clear…
What goes in the brain when we process a thought? Here opinions diverge. Some suggest that the structure of a nerve pathway changes when data are preserved, forming a neural road map of a thought. Others think brain works holographically, each new piece of information being stored in all areas of the brain.