ІV. Read the following descriptions and guess which jobs are described.
to cross the border – перетинати кордон
Illegally – незаконно
advertising, ads –реклама, оголошення
to draw up – складати
to fit somebody – підходити (за розміром)
to leave tips – залишати чайові
to get tips – отримувати чайові
best paid – найбільш оплачувана
the least pleasant – менш приваблива
to require – вимагати
to demand – висувати вимоги
to deal with people – мати справу з людьми
opportunity – можливість
challenge – виклик, складна задача
imagination – уява
a) They help people who need legal advice. Sometimes they have to go to court.
b) They work in the fields growing crops and breed animals such as cows, sheep, pigs, and geese.
c) They treat animals that are sick.
d) These people take your order and serve you in restaurants. If the service is good it is customary to leave tips for them.
e) These people may ask to look inside your case when you cross the border. They look for drugs or object which people try to bring into the country illegally.
f) They are usually very attractive people and their job is to appear in photographs advertising new clothes and beauty products.
g) These people design new buildings. They have to draw up clear plans so that the builders know exactly what to do.
h) If you want a new suit or dress specially made to fit you, you need their service.
V. Name at least 3 jobs for each item of the list below. Give reasons to explain your choice in written form.
1) are the best paid in your country
2) need a lot of training
3) you find the least pleasant
4) require wearing special clothes
5) demand the fastest actions
6) involve dealing with people’s problems
7) you find most boring
8) give an opportunity to travel
9) require the knowledge of a foreign language
10) often give a chance to get tips
11) involve a lot of stress
12) can be a challenge for you
13) require lost of imagination
14) can negatively affect family life
VI. Here are fifteen things people take into account when choosing a job. Working in groups of three, choose ten points that you think are important, then rank them starting with the most important one. You will have to compromise if you cannot agree entirely.