IV Translate the paragraphs in italics in a written form.
V Questions for discussion:
1. What are the main ways of constructing clothes?
2. What does each way of designing depend on?
3. How is a tailored garment made?
4. How can draped clothes be fixed?
5. What is an advantage of draping?
6. What are garments of different styles like?
7. What are the most famous examples of such clothes in different cultures?
8. What kind of garment can be used for different purposes?
9. What is the most time-taking way of making clothes?
10. What style is preferable in modern Europe?
I Mind the following words and word-combinations:
1. medieval – середньовічний
2. an engine-powered machine – машина з двигуном
3. naked – голий
4. woven grasses – плетена трава
5. a spindle - веретено
6. a loom – ткацький верстат
II Listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions:
1. Why was it a problem to own many items of the wardrobe in Ancient Times?
2. Could clothes ‘talk’? If yes, explain how.
III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false.
1. In the ancient world clothes were cheap and available everywhere.
2. Engine-powered machines helped produce large amount of clothes.
3. Sometimes children ran naked in the ancient societies.
4. With the further development people learned how to spin and weave.
5. In gathering and hunting societies people invented the spinning wheel.
I Listen and remember the following words:
1. an influence – вплив
2. mittens – рукавиці
3. tight - щільний
4. to identify – визначати
5. jewelry – коштовності
6. an outfit – одяг, набір одягу
7. a scarf – шарф
8. available – доступний
II Read and remember the following phrases:
1. a lined jacket – куртка з підкладкою
2. loose-fitting – вільного крою
3. an outer garment – верхній одяг
4. a year-round coat – універсальне пальто
5. a casual dress – повсякденна сукня
6. to call for – потребувати, вимагати
Читайте також: - Complete with the words from the text. Translate them into Ukrainian.
- Ex. 3. Fill in the form.
- Ex. 7. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the forms of the Gerund.
- Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle Constructions in different syntactic functions.
- Grammars written by women
- I. Translate the following passage using the vocabulary of this lesson
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- III. Reconstruct the text below putting the extracted fragments (1-10) into their correct places (a-j). Make a written translation of the text into Ukrainian
- III. Reconstruct the text below putting the extracted fragments (a-j) into their correct places (1-10). Make a written translation of the passage into Ukrainian
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