Study the cases of 'would' and 'on' that occur in the text.
— Give other examples to support the basic differences between those cases.
Study the rhythm within every part of the text singled out by pauses.
a) Analyze the simple rhythm-units into three groups — monobeats (M), trochees (T) and dactyls (D). — Use the analysis of the first sentence as a model:
'Only a few years ago this stretch of empty moor would have been dismissed by most people as of no interest, or importance'.
Only a few years ago
this stretch of empty moor
would have been dismissed
D+l M
by most people
as of no interest
or importance.
B) Explain the rule of English rhythm that is observed in the case of 'a few years ago'. Why is 'years' phonetically degraded? Find other cases of that kind in the text.
Note:This is because of the immediately following accent ('few'). Otherwise, it would have been High-Level, as is usually the case with the opening stressed syllable of the Descending Scale.
C) The last stressed syllable of the contour ('ago') is said with a Low-Rising tone.
Note:The Low-Rising tone at the end of the contour expresses non-finality, incompleteness of thought (in contrast with the Low-Falling tone, which shows finality and usually signals the end of the sentence).
Study each of the prosodic contours in the text.
Use the following analysis of the first sentence of the text as a model:
The sentence consists of 6 contours. The first one is:
'Only a fewyears ago'
a) The monosyllabic word 'few' is accented here. It is said with a High-Falling tone.
b) The first stressed syllable of the contour ('only') is pronounced with a Mid-Level tone.