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МАРК РЕГНЕРУС ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ: Наскільки відрізняються діти, які виросли в одностатевих союзах

РЕЗОЛЮЦІЯ: Громадського обговорення навчальної програми статевого виховання



Батьківський, громадянський рух в Україні закликає МОН зупинити тотальну сексуалізацію дітей і підлітків

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Представництво українського жіноцтва в ООН: низький рівень культури спілкування в соціальних мережах

Гендерна антидискримінаційна експертиза може зробити нас моральними рабами


ВІДКРИТА ЗАЯВА на підтримку позиції Ганни Турчинової та права кожної людини на свободу думки, світогляду та вираження поглядів

Ways of conveying the lexical meaning of genuine internationalisms.


2.1. Literal translating of genuine internationalisms. - letter-to-letter translation, but a letter may be dropped oradded іn the TL (dentist, rector, stadium, macaroni, pizza, tango, embargo, kimono, tsunami, baobab, zebra.)

2.2. Translating via transcribing (conveying the sounding structure).

This kind of translating provides the rendition of the lexical meaning of a lot of internationalisms originating from English, French and some other 1anguages, which have their orthographic systems based on other than phonetical principles: boom, jeans, knock-out, bureau, prize, bouquet-бум, джинси, нокаут, бюро, приз, букет.

2.3. Translating by practical transcribing.

If internationalism has obtained in the TL an orthographic sounding and morphological form, which is similar to that of English, French, German, Italian, it is traditionally called " practical transcribing " or 'translator's transcription": bachelor - бакалавр, cocoa -какао, giant - гігант, hocus-pocus - фокус, mother-of-pearl -перламутр.

English international compounds can be rendered in the following ways:

with the help of corresponding compounds having the same international root morphemes as in the SL; electro biology, film-actor.

by word-combinations consisting of the same componential parts as in the internationalism English compound word: dance music - танцювальна музика, radio-active element - радіоактивний елемент.

2.4. Descriptive translating of international lexemes. Depending on the nature of the lexemes, their translation may have 2 somewhat different realizations:

the lingual form of the SL lexeme can be retained as the main lexeme of the TL word-combination: cіvilizable - те, що піддається цивілізуванню, barony - володіння барона, титул барона.

the lingual form of the internationalism is not or cannot be retained in the TL: deputize - виступати від когось, park(ing) – ставити машину на стоянку.

For the last half of the 20-th century there have appeared few stable expressions, e. g.: " Iron Curtain " (1947)," peaceful coexistence " (1950's)," Cold war " (1946, USA).

The units of genuine international lexicon are identified on the basis of their common in different 1anguages lexical meaning and identical or only similar form. Loan internationalisms - of their common sphere of use, their meaning, functional significance and partly - structural form.

The identification of monosemantic international 1anguage units is easy, but of polysemantic 1anguage signs becomes much more difficult:


- кондуктор (gen. int )

- провідник (int. loan word)

- провід (int. loan)

- громовідвід (int. loan )

- диригент (pseudo - int )

- керівник. (pseudo- int)

Only one out of six lexemes above has a common lingual form and meaning in English and Ukrainian. Hence, one must carefully study the contextual environment of such 1anguagege signs.


    - громадський     - індустрія     - непередбачений
  - цивільний   - промисловість   - яскравий
Civil - ввічливий Industry - галузь промисловості Dramatic - раптовий
  - чемний   - старанність   - театральний
      - працьовитість   - драматичний
          - хвилюючий


One of the meanings is genuine internationalism and the rest are pseudo-international (non - international). There are few words, which have identical form but different meaning: accurate - точний, правильний (but not акуратний), data - дані, decade -десятиріччя, decoration - нагорода, прикраса, prospect -перспектива. These words are referred as "false friends of the translator" (удавані друзі).

The lingual form of genuine international lexemes in all 1anguages is always either identical or similar. Very often they take affixes in Ukrainian: dietic- дієтичний, form - форма; some of Greek origin: analysis - аналіз, academician - академік, appendicitis -апендицит (lat).

Hence, relevant for the identification remains root morpheme. So anti-trade, arch-enemy, inventor are to be tread as non-internationalisms, pseudo- internationalisms. But, school-mate, coal-gas, washing-machine are to be defined as partly international, або газосховище, радіохвилі.

2.5. Translating by practical way of synonymous substitution.

This kind of substitution becomes possible due to the existence in the TL of internationalisms borrowed by it at different previous historical periods: athletics - гімнастика (не атлетика), diagram - схема (не діаграма), phase - період, base - фундамент (не база), committee - комісія (не комітет), national economy - народне господарство (не національна економія).


Читайте також:

  1. Analyze the meanings of the italicized words. Identify the result of the changes of the connotational aspect of lexical meaning in the given words.
  2. Arrange the following units into two lexical and two terminological sets. I Give them corresponding names.
  3. Classification of word meaning
  4. Compare the meanings of the given words. Define what semantic features are shared by all the members of the group and what semantic properties distinguish them from each other.
  5. Grammatical meaning.
  6. Grammatical meaning.
  7. Lecture 12. Evolution of the ME Lexical System.
  8. Lexical differences between languages
  9. Lexical meaning and its structure.
  10. Lexical transformations.
  11. Objectively and subjectively conditioned transformations of lexical units in the process of translation.
  12. Read the text about Parliamentary monarchy. Guess the meaning of underlined words.

Переглядів: 3959

<== попередня сторінка | наступна сторінка ==>
The main rules of conveying English sounds in Ukrainian translation of proper names. | Ways of rendering the meaning of nationally biased units of lexicon.

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