Translate the text into Ukrainian.
VII. Written assignment
Write a presentation about types of modern cities and their functions.
| 1. Some Aspects of Urban Planning.
| 2. From the History of Urban Planning.
| 3. Consolidation.
I. Vocabulary Comprehension
1. Learn the words and word-combinations to comprehend the text:
| аспект, сторона
| safety
| безпека
| flood
| повінь
| storm surge
| штормова хвиля
| threat
| загроза
| green belt
| зелений пояс
| to mitigate
| зменшити, помякшити
| unintrusive
| ненавязливий
| inclusive design
| проект, що включає
| to anticipate
| передбачати, попереджати
| unadorned area
| неприкрашений район
| abandonment
| занедбалість
| to force
| примушувати
| density
| щільність (населення)
| to increase
| зростати
| pollution
| забруднення
| parking space
| зона паркування
| exurb
| район за межами міста
| to make viable
| робити життєздатним
| to dub
| прирівнювати
| town cramming
| міська тиснява
| to shade
| затіняти
| exodus
| масовий від’їзд
| sidewalk level
| тротуар
| often-decried phenomenon
| явище, яке часто відкрито засуджується
| source of pollution
| джерело забруднення
| noise abatement
| зменшення шуму
| excessive glare
| занадто яскраве світло
| cutoff fixture
| устаткування, яке
| to install
| встановлювати
| 2. Read the following international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:
urban, risk, extreme, evacuation, maximize, criminal, criminality, psychological, antidote, indicator, transport, unique, infrastructure, canyon, decibel, problem, aesthetics, aspect, factor, process.
II. Reading Comprehension
1. Skim the text first to define its general subject and the subject of each paragraph .Use the following phrases:
The text is about…
The subject of the text is…
There are…paragraphs in it.
The first (second, third, etc.) paragraph deals with (considers, describes, informs).
2. Skim the text again and answer the following questions:
1. What aspects of planning are mentioned?
2. What safety measures are mentioned?
3. What presents unique problems within urbanized areas?
4. Is the “urban canyon effect” described?
3. Read the text:
Читайте також: - Complete with the words from the text. Translate them into Ukrainian.
- English modal verbs having not always modal verb equivalents in Ukrainian.
- Ex. 7. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the forms of the Gerund.
- Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle Constructions in different syntactic functions.
- I. Translate the following passage using the vocabulary of this lesson
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- I. Translate the following sentences into English
- III. Translate the following sentences using modal verbs
- III. Translate the sentences below into English
- III. Translate the sentences below into English using the infinitive or infinitive constructions
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